Living, Loving and Sharing Life …

Hello dear friends, if you’re reading this, you have found the MAY entries of my diary of my Fitness Journey for 2014. I will be adding to them as the month goes on … drill down to get the latest entry. It is only ONE of the New Year Resolutions I made for 2014. The others are displayed on the ‘My Gym Journey Diary’ tab on the top of my blog.


May 10th 2014            The Gym Journey Continues

It seems such a long time ago since the 9 Week Challenge finished and we celebrated with a Cocktail Party on 25th April at a lovely venue in the inner city. However, I needn’t have worried about our commitment to keep going at the gym because another challenge came our way!

I must say I saw the sign that said “Challenge: 30 Classes in 30 days” and thought that it would be good to do even half that number of classes so that Pat and I could stay motivated, but it was Pat that joined up while I was a bit off colour with a cold.

Well, when she told me, I simply had to get to the gym to join up! Oh no, I had become a Gym Junkie! How did this happen?

Anyway, Pat and I went the next day to do a class called Grit Cardio and we were tested greatly doing that class! It was so hard. Still, who should be there but a few of our favourite gym people. It was so lovely to catch up with them and we felt we were back in the action again.

Pat now has more stars on her Challenge sheet than I have as I went away for a few days to visit a dying friend who actually rallied and is no longer on death’s door. However, she is still very ill and it is only a matter of time so I was not sorry I failed to get more stars on my sheet. Sometimes, we have to get our priorities right. 

The thing is, Pat and I decided we would be happy to do 15 Classes in 30 Days … so this is our new goal. Last Tuesday, we tried Power Yoga and were amazed to discover it was actually the hardest class we had ever done, and that includes Boot Camp.

Those Yoga people are simply amazing and can do things that one can only imagine. Still, the entire class applauded us when we finished the hour-long session. They couldn’t believe we actually lasted the distance! I did have a few minutes break in the middle as I got dizzy but I soon came felt better and joined in again.

Oh well, it’s back to they gym on Tuesday again … I wonder if we’ll go to Yoga again? I’ll have to check with Pat. After last week I think she would rather do anything but yoga ever again ha ha.


Saturday May 24th 2014                                  Press the ‘PAUSE’ button on the Gym!

Yes, I have had to stop going to the gym for the time being as I came down with the flu more than a week ago and have been suffering all sorts of inconveniences like runny noses, bad heads and every other manner of complaint including body aches and pains.

I have written about all this in more detail earlier this week (see and have now come out the other end. However, I have put off running off to they gym because last time I did this (Friday a week ago) I went from being moderately sick to being very sick and had to take to my bed to recover! No gym for me until next week.

However, I did discover when I went on that Friday (16th May) that I was the same weight … how wonderful was that? I have kept my healthy eating going and for the first three days in bed I boiled up some ginger and lived on ginger, lime and honey drinks every few hours. I swear it helped me get rid of the congestion much faster. Here is the recipe:

  1. chop up a knob of ginger (only peel rough bits) and throw into a blender. Add 250 grams of water and blend.
  2. put this mixture into a saucepan and add another 750 grams of cold water; bring to the boil and simmer for one hour until mixture has reduced to a syrup-like consistency.
  3. strain the ginger and press on the pieces to extract all the vital ginger juices
  4. add three squeezed lemons or limes or a combination of both
  5. put into a container in the fridge
  6. when making up the drink, put a small amount of ginger mixture into a large mug, pour on boiling water and add honey to taste.
  7. sip on this mixture and it will warm up your body as well as help with the congestion


Wed 28th May 2014                                              To Gym or not to Gym … that’s the question?

It is night and I am totally exhausted and about to go to bed. Every since I began to recover from the flu a little over a week ago, I have felt awful. Every day I get up and just want to go back to sleep. Even taking my Ginseng tablets hasn’t brightened me up!

It hasn’t helped that our family friend Nicole passed away on Sunday night and I am grieving for her death. Lost to cancer – brain tumors – at 48 years of age. Anyway, I am struggling; I want to start back at the gym but I can’t get the energy to even think about going. Pat says we’ll go tomorrow but I’m not sure I’m up to it really! Anyway, I will see what happens in the morning … perhaps I just need a good night’s sleep.

Night Night all. Oh to dream nice dreams and look up and see that life is good regardless of how one feels …

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